Backup solution
Backup solution
No software systems are running without failure. There are software bugs, hardware failures, broken files, failing networks, and other issues any playout must be ready to face and solve in real time. From its core, Stream Circle is built to support advanced backup solutions prepared to deal with any operational issue. The highest level of the Stream Circle backup solution is based on a 1+1 platform - Stream Circle runs both primary and secondary playout servers following the same playlist. All operations run on a primary server are immediately replicated by the secondary server in real time. Following the hybrid ecosystem of the Stream Circle architecture, it does not matter if the primary or secondary playout server is deployed on-premises or in a cloud. The only issue to solve is the media file distribution to all running environments. Secondary or thematic channels may not require the highest level of backup. For these purposes, Stream Circle offers a hot-standby playout server ready to replace any primary playout server running any channel from a group dedicated to the hot-standby server. The switch from the primary to the secondary channel is a matter of seconds - the channel is pinned to the secondary channel and restarted precisely at the required time, including a seek in all running media. The above-mentioned backup solutions are related mainly to playout server operations. An additional level of backup solutions may be based on the emergency playout architecture described in a separate use case. Two Stream Circle platforms are combined as master and emergency playouts, exchanging all data to synchronize their content and playlists. This solution allows the broadcaster to run the backup playout on a remote location, be it on-premises or in a cloud. The only need is to ensure all media requested for the playout are available for all platforms.
Related use cases

Channel with backup solutions
Stream Circle runs a channel in a mode of synchronized playout using two independent playout servers linked by a single playout automation component. The playout servers run the same content following a single playlist, and output feeds from both playout servers are available for the distribution platform. Playout automation automatically switches the servers from primary to secondary mode using status detection implemented inside the solution.
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