with backup solutions
Highlights & benefits
- all components in the channel operation are redundant, and their status is independent of each other
- the playout servers are running fully synchronized content and playlists
- the playout automation server can reconnect all running playout servers with no disruption to operations
- the client is running 24/7 uninterrupted operation with no need to keep monitoring staff, the switch to backup is automated
- the restoration of any component in the solution after the failure is automated, and all other components are fully synchronized
Use case description
The client runs a channel in the Stream Circle cloud platform. As the channel is a primary channel of the customer, high availability is required for 24/7 operations with an immediate switch from the primary to the secondary playout server. The channel runs on a couple of independent playout servers running the same content. The playlist is processed by a playlist automation server running independently from all other components on a redundant virtualized platform. The playout automation server controls both playout servers and monitors their status. The playout servers generate two independent IP feeds to distribution networks. When the playout automation detects a failure on a primary server, the secondary one is immediately switched to primary status, and the failed server is restarted and synchronized with the playlist.
Related business solution: Backup solution
Related reference

PBS Kids, South Africa
We provide a playout for PBS KIDS South Africa. We produce HD stream in Prague, delivering to UK-based satellite head-end for orbit delivery to South African kids. The system runs in two independent branches providing complete protection for one component failure.